A vitalizing and soothing deep cleansing concentrate for face and body that purifies skin by gently removing excess build-up and dirt while decreasing skin sensitivity, redness, irritation and inflammation. It is beneficial before and after hair removal (shaving, waxing, laser etc) on face and the entire body.
- purifies by deep cleansing pores
- removes oil
- soothes, calms
- anti-inflammatory
- vitalizes
Active Ingredients
Flaxseed Oil, Yarrow, Lavender Oil, Siberian Fir Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil -- Bioflavonoids, Triterpenes, Amino Acids, Vitamins C, D, E and F, Beta-Carotene (Provitamin A), Lignans, Fatty Acids, Sterols, Mineral Salts, Trace Elements